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Benefits of abdominoplasty surgery for NYC residents: Manhattan, Westchester, Long Island

What Is The Procedure For A Drain-less And Painless Tummy Tuck in New York?

NYC Tummy Tuck Surgeon

If lifestyle changes with diet and exercise have had little to no effect on your loose abdominal skin, love handles, or a bulging belly, a tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty surgery, might be right for you. In the NYC area, plastic surgeon Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh specializes in body contouring surgery, helping men and women tighten and realign their stomach muscles, remove excess abdominal skin and fat, and recreate the belly button for a tighter, sleeker-looking abdomen.

To find out if a tummy tuck is right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Alizadeh today. Cosmoplastic Surgery has three convenient office locations in the metropolitan New York area: Long Island, Manhattan, and Westchester, New York. Request your appointment online, or phone 212.348.0100 (Manhattan) / 516.439.5010 (Long Island) / 914.723.4900 (Westchester).

Why Choose Cosmoplastic Surgery For A Tummy Tuck? 

Our Founder and Medical Director, Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh, is the Chief of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Westchester Medical Center and Associate Professor of Surgery at New York Medical College. He has spent years perfecting the NYC tummy tuck procedure and has developed a trademarked technique, called NaturaTuck® Abdominoplasty, which improves upon older approaches to tummy-tuck surgery. In addition to better results and minimized scarring, the NaturaTuck® Abdominoplasty uses progressive-tension sutures (PTS), requires minimal or no use of abdominal drains, and maximizes state-of-the-art anesthesia techniques to block nerves to the abdomen. For Dr. Alizadeh's patients, this means little to no pain the first week after surgery. In fact, they popularly call his NaturaTuck® Abdominoplasty the "no pain, no drain" tummy tuck. He has presented his technique with improved outcomes at International meetings such as the Plastic Surgery Research Council and has extensive experience with this procedure with 10 year follow-up satisfaction.

Abdominoplasty NYC

Benefits Of Tummy Tuck Surgery For Patients In Long Island, Manhattan, & Westchester

 A tummy-tuck in Long Island is performed as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia. The length of the surgery ranges from two to four hours, depending on many factors:

  • Whether stomach muscles need to be rejoined
  • How much fat needs to be removed
  • Whether additional liposuction is required
  • The amount of excess skin that needs to be excised
  • Whether the belly button needs to be relocated

Certified Boutique Operating Suites

New York City residents expect only the best, that is why Dr. Alizadeh's NYC Tummy Tuck procedures are performed in one of several boutique metropolitan New York operating rooms that are certified by either the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

State-of-the-art Anesthesia

Dr. Alizadeh's outstanding Tummy Tuck NYC team of accomplished healthcare professionals include board-certified physician anesthesiologists who will ensure a pain-free procedure and a quick, uneventful recovery from anesthesia. In addition, they use the ON-Q Pain Relief System and EXPAREL®, a long-lasting, non-narcotic anesthetic agent to numb the abdomen for up to five days after your tummy tuck surgery. Use of these state-of-the-art anesthesia options translates to an optimal recovery with minimal pain and a faster return to your work and daily life.

Patient Testimonial - Marina

Tummy Tuck Testimonial - Marina

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Advanced Surgical Techniques

The NaturaTuck® Abdominoplasty begins with one incision across the lower abdomen at the level of the pubic hair so that any scarring is hidden by underwear or a bathing suit. Dr. Alizadeh may combine this procedure with hernia repair and will create internal plication to replicate the rejuvenated athletic abdominal contours. He then removes excess skin and fat, and secures the abdominal wall to the muscle with progressive tension sutures. Although this last step requires approximately 15 minutes of additional surgical time, it means that most patients do not require abdominal drains following surgery.

Dr. Alizadeh then performs contouring procedures to recreate the internal corset and outer hourglass shape. The navel is then repositioned, called an umbilical translocation, and the incision is closed with biological glues or absorbable sutures.

Certain patients who have large amounts of fat in the abdomen may also undergo HydraSolve® liposuction during their tummy tuck procedure. This non-traumatic fat-removal technology uses a smooth-tipped cannula and low-pressure saline to liquefy and extract fat cells from areas in the abdomen with a marked excess.

Following surgery, patients are able to return home in the care of a friend or loved one.

To reveive one of the best tummy tucks Long Island has to offer, contact the office of Dr. Alizadeh. 

What To Expect From Recovery

Following your tummy tuck, Dr. Alizadeh may apply dressings or bandages to your incisions or wrap your abdomen in a compression garment to minimize swelling and support your abdomen during healing. You will be required to wear your compression garment for one or two weeks. Tummy-tuck patients should expect to take two weeks off from work for recovery, and they should refrain from exercise and heavy lifting for six weeks. However, you will be encouraged to walk with assistance as soon as possible after surgery to promote healthy blood circulation and prevent blood clots from forming in your lower extremities.

Any bruising should subside within two to three weeks, and swelling should resolve completely within three to six months. Dr. Alizadeh and his helpful, caring staff at Cosmoplastic Surgery will give you detailed pre-and post-surgery instructions before your NaturaTuck® Abdominoplasty in NYC.

Complementary Procedures

Dr. Alizadeh also performs other body-contouring procedures to improve the appearance of the torso:

Mini Tummy Tuck

Some of our NYC patients do not need a full tummy tuck to achieve terrific results. They may, in fact, have a bulge only below the belly button, often a result of abdominal muscles separating during pregnancy. For these patients, Dr. Alizadeh performs a mini tummy tuck, which requires a smaller, lower incision and leaves the belly button intact. Using gentle assisted liposuction, he removes excess fat and then repairs the separated muscle tissue by stitching it together and restoring a firm, flat lower abdomen.

Torso Lift Belt Lipectomy

A torso lift, or belt lipectomy, is often considered a lower-body lift or an extension of the tummy tuck procedure because it requires creating an incision around the entire lower torso, which gives the surgeon access to contour not just the abdomen but also the hips, thighs, and buttocks. For our patients who have lost a large volume of weight, this operation can successfully remove the redundant skin and adipose tissue that hangs around the lower torso.

Lateral Torsoabdominoplasty LTAP

This procedure is reserved for patients who have had previous operations or have excess upper abdominal skin or lateral breast skin. Dr. Alizadeh will take all the lateral excess skin laterally and create a tapered contour by placing the seams at the side of the torso (much like a European suit or dress)

Panniculectomy Surgery For The Abdominal Apron

Panniculectomy surgery is performed on NYC-area residents who have excess skin and fat in the pannus, also known as the abdominal apron, which can hang low below the beltline, cause back pain, and prevent good genital hygiene. For many of our patients who have lost a significant amount of weight, removing this extra pouch of skin and fat helps them feel better about their weight loss and proud of their impressive achievement.

Mommy Makeover

Dr. Alizadeh may suggest a "mommy makeover" procedure for women who desire a full-body restoration. A mommy makeover typically combines tummy tuck surgery with breast augmentation or a NaturaBra® Breast Lift, restoring your pre-pregnancy figure and giving you a beautifully contoured, hourglass shape.

Spot Liposuction

For aesthetically pleasing results, Dr. Alizadeh may recommend additional liposuction to remove localized fat elsewhere on the torso. He may then discuss grafting the fat to your face or combining it with cellulite removal procedures and layering it to help prevent future scarring or dimpling and cellulite formation. It all goes towards ensuring a stunning result with comprehensive body contouring.

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Schedule A Consultation

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Alizadeh to discuss the best approach to improving the appearance of your abdomen or torso. You may request an appointment online or phone 212.348.0100 (Manhattan) / 516.439.5010 (Long Island) / 914.723.4900 (Westchester).

Tummy Tuck Patient Reviews

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